RAPID CITY, SD (July 21, 2022) – The National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) sponsored the Professional Outdoor Media (POMA) business conference registration desk this June in Kalispell MT. The event draws industry media, content creators, social media influencers, corporate partners and non-profit partners. Relationships are established and reinforced during the conference’s educational programming, product showcases, interactive camps and social activities.
NBEF’s message about its safety and success-focused bowhunter ed classes, informational materials and enthusiasm to support the industry was welcomed by the attendees of this annual event.
“NBEF encourages media professionals to create content helping bowhunters learn how to be safe and successful,” explained Marilyn Bentz, NBEF Executive Director. ”NBEF knows the importance of investing in our relationships with media and the industry. We’re happy to have the entire NBEF marketing team attend the 2022 POMA Conference.”
POMA President Michelle Scheuermann shared, “National Bowhunter Education Foundation and its Executive Director Marilyn Bentz are fantastic POMA partners. We appreciate their on-going support and educational efforts.”
NBEF offers bowhunting instructional items, books, videos, 3-D models, apparel and more at nbef.org.
About NBEF
The National Bowhunter Education Foundation offers instructional content and tools for bowhunter education classes in the US. Helping bowhunters become safe and successful hunters and stewards of the sport are important NBEF missions. NBEF provides the bowhunter certification standards and class content that some states and certain circumstances require in order to bow hunt. NBEF provides instructor training and certification.
NBEF oversees the International Bowhunter Education Program and works with the International Hunter Education Association and state agencies to coordinate a unified program. States may have additional requirements. Europe and other countries accept the NBEF (IBEP) certification and conduct classes.
NBEF also oversees the International Crossbow Education Program and works with state agencies responsible for crossbow education to develop comprehensive online crossbow safety courses that teach students important laws and regulations, game identification, and safe, responsible handling of crossbow equipment.
NBEF is a 501(c)3 corporation that isn’t a membership-based organization. Tax-deductible donations to support this non-profit are welcome.
Learn more at nbef.org.
Kim Emery, Firefly Publicity, kim@fireflypublicity.com