RAPID CITY, SD (March 4, 2024) – The National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) celebrates the European Bowhunting Federation’s (EBF) contributions to increase bowhunting options in Europe. Recent successes include progress to allow bowhunting in Morrocco and the legalization of bowhunting in Denmark.
“NBEF’s so happy to see the progress being made in Europe,” explained Marilyn Bentz, NBEF Executive Director. “EBF works diligently to provide leaders with the data they need to make decisions regarding bowhunting based on facts.”
Founded in 2003, EBF supports national bowhunting associations, authorities, educational institutions, and specialists with valid data and facts related to the use of bow and arrow as a hunting tool in modern game management situations. There are 29 nations affiliated with EBF.
In the Kingdom of Morrocco, essential steps to advance bowhunting are underway including establishing the legal framework, structuring a Moroccan federation for bowhunting and training instructors. An agreement was recently signed with the Association Chasse et Pêche Touristique au Maroc (AOCPT) and the Moroccan National Water and Forestry Agency (ANEF), thanks to the diligent efforts of the European Bowhunting Federation (EBF) and Thierry Raymond Fecomme.
The EBF, under the leadership of President Anders Gejer, played a pivotal role in this achievement. For over three years, Fecomme, in partnership with the EBF, was instrumental in advocating for the legalization of bowhunting in Morocco. Recent developments in European countries helped solidify Morocco’s decision.
Bowhunting is now legal again for the larger deer species -red, fallow and sika deer in Denmark. Bowhunting was banned there in 1966 except for special, limited permits. Bowhunting advocates helped initiate a bowhunting trial period. The success of the trial period led to the gradual opening up of bowhunting opportunities and now it’s legal. In Denmark bowhunter education is mandatory with theoretical as well as shooting proficiency testing. Practical shooting tests are required every five years.
Denmark’s legalization of bowhunting for large game such as red deer, effective January 1, 2024, set a precedent in ethical hunting practices. This move was greatly influenced by a comprehensive study from the Danish Technical University, affirming that skilled bowhunting meets high animal welfare standards.
Equally impactful is a Finnish study conducted from 2019 to 2023, which compared bowhunting to rifle hunting for white-tailed deer. This extensive research, led by veterinarian Mikaela Sauvala, concluded that bowhunting is on par with rifle hunting and aligns with contemporary animal welfare standards. These findings have been instrumental in shaping perceptions of bowhunting as a viable, ethical and sustainable method of wildlife management.
“These positive outcomes and scientific validations from Denmark and Finland demonstrate a growing trend toward responsible and sustainable bowhunting practices across Europe,” said Gejer, EBF President and NBEF European Regional Coordinator. “Organizations like EBF and our parent organization the NBEF, play important roles working with organizations, agencies and individuals to improve bowhunter education, safety and access.”
According to Gejer, archery is popular in Europe and retailers sell archery and bowhunting equipment even in countries where it’s not legal to bowhunt. Those countries may also have bowhunters associations and bowhunter education, so participants are prepared to bowhunt in other countries. Bowhunters must check country, regional and local regulations to bowhunt legally as areas may have their own laws.
NBEF helps bowhunters learn to be safe, successful and stewards of the sport. NBEF offers bowhunting instructional items, books, videos, 3-D models, apparel and more at nbef.org.
About EBF
The European Bowhunting Federation mission is to develop and increase the possibilities of using the bow and arrow as a hunting tool in Europe. EBF utilizes well documented studies and practical knowledge to validate the use of archery as a hunting tool in modern game management practices. These practices align with and support national bowhunting associations, authorities, educational institutions and specialists. Learn more at EBF.org.
About NBEF
The National Bowhunter Education Foundation offers instructional content and tools for bowhunter education classes in the US and internationally. Helping bowhunters become safe and successful hunters and stewards of the sport are important NBEF missions. The NBEF provides bowhunter certification standards and class content that states, and certain circumstances require in order to bowhunt. NBEF provides instructor training and certification.
NBEF oversees the International Bowhunter Education Program and works with the International Hunter Education Association and state agencies to coordinate a unified program. Europe and other countries accept the NBEF (IBEP) certification and conduct IBEP classes.
NBEF also oversees the International Crossbow Education Program and works with state agencies responsible for crossbow education to develop comprehensive online crossbow safety courses that teach students important laws and regulations, game identification, and safe, responsible handling of crossbow equipment.
NBEF is a 501(c)3 corporation that isn’t a membership-based organization. Tax-deductible donations to support this non-profit are welcome.
Learn more at nbef.org.
Kim Emery, Firefly Publicity, kim@fireflypublicity.com